'I am a pipe fitter, not a politician.
I have never run for office before now, but I feel as though our current elected officials are disconnected from working class Canadians.
I want to hear from you, to try and work towards making things better for all of us.'
Chris Jones is a worker through and through. He wants the chance to give a voice to the everyday worker living the same struggles as he is.
Born and raised on a farm in Alberta, Chris has always known what it’s like to work hard. As a kid, he’d wake up bright and early to tend to the animals before heading to school. Working with his pet donkey, Wonda, and the other animals on the farm, Chris learned the strong, reliable work ethic he has to this day.
Chris married his wife at the age of 24. They met in Sherwood Park where Chris started his trade as a pipefitter while she worked at a local grocery store. They have since had two children whom they love dearly. Chris has worked as a pipefitter, a plumber, and a steelworker. He has spent long days on the job to support his family and put food on the table.
In the last 4 years, Chris has become more active with the NDP. In the 2021 federal election, he helped Blake Desjarlais and Heather McPherson in their election campaigns. He was inspired by seeing two uniquely different and strong individuals step forward with a similar goal.
This election, Chris feels it’s time to bring more workers to the table. With his years of experience working in the trades, he is living the same struggle as most Canadians. Living paycheque to paycheque is not sustainable. Surviving off of credit cards isn't livable.
Chris wants to remind Canadians that the NDP is a party for workers, and of workers. He hopes he can make Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan proud by bringing their voices to Ottawa.
"Thank you Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan! You have made this home for me and my family."